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Pc Ng

Welcome! No matter what bring you to my page, I just want to give you a SMILE. Forget about my first name, you can just call me Pc. My current research focuses on Proximity-based Sensing and Networking, Physiological Signals with Mobile and Wearable Devices, and IoT Systems with Artificial Intelligence.

Smart Contact Tracing Project at University of Guelph

Last year about the same time, we developed a project, smart contact tracing based on BLE signals, in view of the viral spread of Covid-19. The project is funded by NSERC Alliance COVID-19.


Here are a collection of news related to our project:

  1. https://www.guelphmercury.com/community-story/10038008-u-of-guelph-says-they-can-improve-accuracy-and-privacy-of-ontario-s-covid-19-contact-tracing-app/
  2. https://mobilesyrup.com/2020/06/20/university-guelph-contact-tracing-app-machine-learning-accuracy/
  3. https://porticomagazine.ca/2020/10/u-of-g-app-could-improve-covid-19-contact-tracing/
  4. https://www.kitchenertoday.com/regional-news/engineers-at-university-of-guelph-develop-covid-19-tracing-app-2511739
  5. https://guides.uoguelph.ca/2020/06/u-of-g-contact-tracing-app-could-help-improve-accuracy-of-the-technology/
  6. https://issuu.com/uofguelph/docs/portico_magazine_fall_2020

This work is published in the following IEEE Journal: